September Monthly Archives

World’s First Series Of Open Access Peer Reviewed Scientific Video Journals

Open Access Video Journals Next Generation of Open Access Journals Open access journal publish peer reviewed manuscripts. The articles published in these academic open access journals are accompanied by figures, graphs and charts. Some journals sporadically publish videos submitted by authors as part of the manuscripts. As of today, there is no comprehensive series of open access journals for authors in which they can showcase …

A Recap of Our Services

Core Services The core service of Edorium Journals is publishing open access journals in medical and biomedical specialties. To see the complete list of open access journals published by Edorium Journals please click here. Manuscript submitted to journals published by Edorium Journals group are reviewed and accepted for publication based on the quality of work. The steps of academic journal publishing are: Manuscript pre-processing (content …

Good Lord! Another New Journal?

The words were not so dramatic, but they had the same connotation. Last week when we were considering the names of few specialists to invite for editorial board of Edorium Journal of Tropical Medicine, we were recommended the name of a physician. We contacted him expressing our interest, with a request to consider joining the editorial board. We received a reply with the statement “I …